Home Staging

Brilliant design to sell homes faster, for top dollar, and with less stress 

If that is your objective, then our home staging services can help you. We transform your home to stand out above the rest so buyers can't wait to see it and are motivated to make an offer.

What is staging?

Unlike interior redesign where the objective is to reflect the homeowner’s personal taste and lifestyle, the objective of home staging is to enhance the home’s best features while ‘neutralizing’ the seller’s personal taste so that a large audience of potential buyers can envision themselves living there. According to the National Association of Realtors, 81% of home buyers said staging helps them visualize the property as a future home. Staging can be accomplished in a short amount of time and on almost any budget. 

Why hire a professional stager?

Professionally staged homes sell faster and generally for a higher price. According to Zillow, professionally staged homes sell in 1/3 the time of their un-staged counterparts, and they sell for 5-10% higher price. Plus, staging your home will take some of the stress out of moving because you won't have to think about what to do. Homeowners are emotionally attached to their homes and their things, which makes it hard to view their home objectively. Since we are not emotionally attached to your home, we can make recommendations by objectively determining the most important selling points for buyers. According to the National Association of Realtors, only 10% of buyers can visualize a home's true potential, the other 90% cannot overlook dirt, clutter, and imperfections. Because we are aware of current buyer trends, we can maximize your home's potential to appeal to the greatest number of buyers. ReAbode offers staging services starting at $250. Staging could save you thousands by avoiding a price reduction and/or multiple mortgage payments.

Why stage a vacant home?

Vacant homes sit on the market longer than occupied homes and sell for less money. Why is that?

  • Buyers spend a fraction of the time looking at a vacant home compared to an occupied home
  • Contrary to belief, vacant homes look smaller than occupied homes
  • Buyers focus on imperfections when there is nothing else in the home to look at
  • Buyers cannot visualize furniture in the space, so they cannot imagine themselves living there
  • Vacant homes are not memorable, so buyers often forget details once they leave
  • Buyers can often not determine the purpose of a room without furniture
  • Buyers assume that sellers of vacant homes are desperate to sell
We can stage your vacant home with rental furniture and accessories so that it feels more welcoming and buyers can envision themselves living there. We will strive to get it sold before any of the other vacant homes on the market. When a vacant home is staged, it will sell like an occupied home -- faster and for more money, which saves you money in the long run. Contact us to schedule a free preview of your vacant property.

How do I get started?

ReAbode can transform your occupied home into a buyer's dream. It starts with a 2 hour consultation (starting at $250), and depending on how much work you want to do yourself, that could be all it takes. Referred to as a "working" consultation, generally lasting between 2-4 hours, we will walk through your home with the critical eye of a home buyer and make design and decorating suggestions unique to your home, and even do a little staging along the way. You will walk away with an entire list of things to do to get your home "market ready", which may include paint, decluttering, rearranging, adding accessories, and curb appeal suggestions. Once we finish walking through your home, you can decide how much you want to tackle on your own and how much you'd like to hire ReAbode to do for you. We will provide you with other service providers as well, if needed. We want to make this an enjoyable and stress-free experience, so let us know how we can help. Contact us to set up your 2 hour consultation today!